Oct 02, 2003 14:51
i think i might have done the most stupidest thing of my life!!!!!! okay here how it goes
We were walking to his 5th pd class like we always do yah know and then i was like sooo are u going to homecoming. and he was like yah maybe i dunno. and i was like why not. and he was like well noone has asked me to go yet. so i was like isnt the gurl suppose to ask the guy and he was like well i really want THE GURL to ask me i was like oo okay. and then there was so akward silence and then i blurted out without evening thinkg so do u want to go to homecoming with me. and he was like yeah sure. and then i had relaized what i had said and i was like shit!!!! so then he was like do u want me to pick u up at your house (b/c he knows where i live) and i was like naw naw its okay b/c if u do u are gonna have to meet the rents and i aint quite ready for that yet lol so he was like yah we gotta make an apperance and what ever so i was like okay lol. but fuck i mean i want to go with him but i didnt want to ask u know i saw whatever is on my mind and it just came out to break the silence fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!damnit damnit damnit
i borrowed chris's braclet by accident opps uhhhhh that other chris dude in my geomtry classes was so trying to flirt with me and i was like naw he can drive though lol but nas ewww so not my type hahah
a lot of people were flirting with today and i was like nope i dont want u and this one kid opened the door and i was standing there waiting for him too go and he was like are u going in and i was like omg thank u u r so sweet and he looked good too i dont know how he is though lol