Five Things Cara Can't Stand About Watching Films in the Cinema

Dec 07, 2010 03:07

Five Things Cara Can't Stand About Watching Films in the Cinema

1. People who do not silence their cellphones. I do not understand how hard it is to put the phone on silent mode or just turn it off. It's even worse when they pick up the calls in the middle of the film and wait for it ... don't leave the room as they talk into their phones.

2. People who munch on their popcorn (and other things) loudly. Why? Is it so difficult to close your mouths when you're eating? Nobody needs to hear you eating, you stupid idiot. Nobody needs noise commentary too.

3. Speaking on commentary, people who feel the need to comment on whatever's going on the screen are the most irritating people you could meet in the cinema. Save it for the DVD edition. When I saw Tangled, it wasn't the kid sitting next to Amanda which was making the noise. It was two grown women sitting beside me. A woman in her thirties and her mother. You'd think that people their age would know when to behave properly in the cinema. And of all things, you're freaked out by Mother Gothel? You obviously have not seen a horror film in your life. Even if you're creeped out, you don't have to make noises whenever she appears, whimpering and yelping as though she's going to reach out of the screen to grab your pathetic neck and strangle you - which I found myself hoping she would do.

4. People who put their feet up on an empty seat in front of them. Just because nobody's in that seat doesn't, it doesn't mean that you have the green light to put your dirty feet (often with their shoes on!) on the backrest. Who knows what dirt you've trailed in from outside and then resting them on the backrest of a seat where some other person is going to sit and lean on? Just no.

5. Tall people taking the seat in front of me. This I blame on my lack of height at only 165cm. :(

cara is rambling, cara is random

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