it made me want to cry

Oct 30, 2005 16:38

shawn and i had just finished our marine corps marathon 8k in d.c., and we were watching the marathoners cross the finish line. an older guy in the gold wave (started at 8:45) was coming up at the finish line in less than three hours, and with like .1 of a mile left, he just fell to the ground. just collapsed, holding his quadricep, obviously in agonizing pain. he was on the ground for just a few seconds, halfway between kneeling and completely sprawled out, looking ahead of him as if he was contemplating crawling to the finish line, when everyone started cheering incredibly loud for him to get up, he was almost there. but what i thought was amazing was someone in the scarlet wave (started at 8:15) who didn't know him stopped and helped him up, sacrificing his own time to help someone he didn't even know off the ground so he could finish his marathon. and, he did it.
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