HAHA... check this out!
http://i50.tinypic.com/2n9fgbl.jpgIf that isn't a stargate, I don't know what is.
MGM should totally sue, and make our movies?
Can I get a HELL YEAH?
...*awkward silence*
Oh and... I'm not a fan of MIley Cyrus at all. Let me make that VERY clear.
But... this is such a cute fanvid. I adore Legend of the Seeker. :)
Richard and Kahlan... you two... you amaze me.
Click to view
And... okay, I just HAVE to comment on Glee.
Gaga episode?
I actually ROFLed so many times.
The dissing of Twilight? The Asian Vampires? Kurt's Daddy? Win.
And that cover of Bad Romance? Dayummm Santana! You can sing!
He was amazing. Like actually. He was so Barney Stinson when he was at the bar. Bhahahaha. XD
That's all. I need to post more... when I'm an old lady, I'm going to have nothing to do, and reading through my blog will be so much fun! ;P Hahaha how're you guys doing? :)