Jan 13, 2009 22:53
So class has well and truly started over here in London-Town. As in started with, why don't you read 50 pages a night and be prepared to discuss tomorrow? In all of my classes. GAH, is the only answer. I don't remember there being this much reading in Undergrad - or maybe I was just actually interested in my classes in undergrad? Last semester, last semester, BREATHE.
Ok, so some of my classes actually do look interesting, I'll admit. The institutions class that will be about the UN is right up my alley, though the professor already knows my name which may result in me being default called-upon until more names are ingrained. We shall see.
There's a comparative traditions course that has the potential of being absolutely fascinating if we actually get to talk about history and customs and WHY, WHY are things like that, but I fear we'll get bogged down in more legal babble. I'm hoping that it'll be interesting, though.
Global contracts could go either way. I mean, it's contracts after all. But it's a large enough class that I'm not as concerned. I'll probably be able to squeeze by relatively unnoticed. Actually this may have actual bearing on my job and may therefore become interesting. Maybe.
As always seems to be the case in my life, though, the required course has been absolutely excruciating. It's a theory course. I don't do theory. If it's not practical, I don't really care. So it had that against it. Then we started off by talking about Kant for an hour and a half. KANT? REALLY? For those of you not yet subjected to my rant against philosophy... I hate philosophy. I find it tedious, impractical, and far too concerned with being clever or making up words for things. And yelling at you for using the wrong term. Which, trust me, does NOT have such far-reaching ridiculous connotations. Breathe, ok? The world will go on.
I mean, I have no problems with other people enjoying philosophy. But I've got my personal philosophy all worked out, and I don't believe in all the rational coherent, logical mumbo-jumbo the rational tradition places western thought under. I am perfectly capable of believing contradictory things and not breaking a sweat. I am also perfectly capable of not taking things to their ridiculous logical conclusions. I don't care what you want to call my moral beliefs. Nor do I care about codifying, interpreting, extrapolating, or even describing them. And I really have no interest in other people's musings on their situation. It does not really inform my thinking on the matter because, as I said, I rely far more heavily on intuition and other non-rational criteria in formulating my belief system. As such it doesn't lend itself well to argument or discussion.
And I have no patience with an argument about whether or not a nation-state can or should be considered a moral entity. I couldn't care less about categorical imperatives. And Kant can just take his toys and go home. Because if I have to sit through another 90 minutes like this one, I'm going to gouge my eyes out with a spoon. A SPOON.
Mike, I know you really enjoy philosophy. But if you post any sort of defense of Kant or musings on the matter, I WILL haul myself over there and set to work on you with the aforementioned spoon!