House Season 5 Episode 1

Oct 02, 2008 17:58

At last, I manage to watched House MD the latest season after downloading it a few days.

I can't wait after last episode to watch what will happen to House and Wilson after Wilson's girl died.

Because of...House???Hmm...I think it's not 100% his fault but still has a little bit his fault.

And this episode, after 2 weeks leaving, Wilson comes back to the hospital not to continue his work but after 1 week, he will be resigning.

When House heard about this,he tried to persuade Wilson, but can't.

Even he said he was sorry,he didn't really meant it.

But at the last minutes of the episode, he said he was sorry and from his face, he really meant it.

And then, Wilson said he doesn't blame House. But then he still want to resigning.

And then Wilson leave.

How sad. If I in the same situation, I don't know. Maybe I will cry if one of my best friend said that to me

just because her boyfriend died. Owh, how I wish that will not happen.

I really sorry for House but sometimes he is too egoistic and sometimes he deserves that.

Hmm...can't wait what will happen in next episode...

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