Title: Beyond the Clouds
Rating: PG
Pairing: Junhyung/Yoseob
Word Count: 1,557
Summary: It's not about the years in your life, but the life in your years. Maybe it had to take a boy with a cheery personality and a sparkle in his eyes to help him realize that.
A/N: Happy birthday to my wifey
callmejokeer who still loves me (hopefully) even though i'm so bad to her. I love you bb (and no, i love you more!) and i told you that i won't forget! I'm so rusty at writing, but i hope you like this anyways! ♥
He’s dying, or maybe he’s already dead. Junhyung doesn’t know, he doesn’t care. In this world of lies, and disguises, of uncertainty and regret, he doesn’t care if he’s alive and fine, because he’s dying, he’s dead.
He dangles his feet off the side of the school’s roof and stares down. He wonders what it would feel like to fall, fall into an abyss of nothingness, of meaningless matter, only to be caught by the thin smoke of grey hanging off the edge of his cigarette.
He stares up at the fluffy white clouds hanging above him in the perfect blue sky and Junhyung decides that it can’t be real. Oh, how it was mocking him, taunting him, as it continues contrasting with the smoky imperfectness he exhales.
He puts his cigarette out and reaches down to grab another.
He awakes to a blinding sunlight in a place he doesn’t quite recognize. It was a room, perfectly square, white walls, white curtains, everything white. There was only one other bed in the room, and yes, you guessed it, it was white too. No one in lying in the bed, but from the creases in the sheets, it was obvious that it was occupied previously, and Junhyung sits up to get a better view.
As soon as he does, he feels a sharp pain in his stomach.
“You probably wouldn’t want to do that.”
It was a boy, probably around his age or maybe even younger, with a petite figure, raven black hair, round cheeks and bright round brown orbs.
“You just had your stomach pumped. The doctors said you almost died, and you’ll probably have to stay here for a while so they can check up on you. I can have a roommate again!”
Junhyung couldn’t help but notice the sparkle in the other boy’s eyes as he spoke. It was captivating, intriguing, and Junhyung rolled over to try to stop himself from growing fond of it.
The next day wasn’t much better. It was strange, he doesn’t remember drinking or doing drugs, but the doctors keep insisting that he had been. Hourly checkups, and oh how badly he was craving for a smoke.
And the boy, his roommate, whatever his name was, was way too cheery to be a hospital patient. Every time Junhyung would wake up the boy was there sitting next to him, coke bottle in one hand, as if he had been waiting for him to wake up, the sparkle never leaving his eyes.
The boy had really been the only one to visit him (can it even be called visiting?), but Junhyung wasn’t surprised. His entire existence was insignificant anyways.
When Junhyung was feeling less pain in his stomach, the boy would drag him around everywhere, visiting the people in the rooms near them, introducing each one to him, and Junhyung couldn’t care less. He faintly remembers one called, what was it, Dongwoon, or something. It was like the boy knew everyone in this hell of a place, and everyone knew him. Even the kid they had walked passed, who was way too skinny and pale to look healthy, ran up to hug him.
But behind his mask of his, he knows that he’s jealous. The bubbly smile the boy carried was always returned, and even in a place as depressing as this, he manages to seem genuinely happy.
And after hours of watching the boy and whoever they were visiting laugh, smile, fool around, the boy reached down to hold his hand, claiming that he wants to show him something, and pulled him away.
They arrive on the roof of the building, and god how nice the fresh air feels against his skin.
“We’re not allowed out here anymore since the last guy tried to jump off it, but I still come here all the time anyways.”
For a second, Junhyung was taken back but he can’t blame the guy for waiting to jump. He does too.
“It is quite nice here anyways, I guess.”
“Yeah, but that’s not the reason I bought you here. Look, aren’t they pretty?”
Junhyung averts his glace to where the boy was pointing. The clouds.
“I’ve always found them magical. It’s like they are the imperfections of the sky, but sometimes they try to shield us from the uncertainty of what lies beyond it, space or maybe even heaven, and sometimes, they try to warn us of the storm and miseries that lay ahead. And sometimes, after those storms, they disappear, allowing us to see bright and clear into the future, a whole new beginning, a whole new start. They may not be around for very long, but they’re always there to protect us. They may not be perfect, but they are more important than they know.”
Junhyung couldn’t decide if those words held any hidden meaning, so he just smiled at the boy. It was stiff and awkward, but a smile nonetheless, and for a second, he thought he saw a hint of sadness in the boy’s eyes where the sparkle used to be, but Junhyung blinked and it was back, and he doesn’t know if it was just his eyes deceiving him.
“Junhyung-ah, have you ever wondered what lies beyond the clouds?”
The next morning when Junhyung awoke, the boy was beside him again with a bottle of coke, bright eyes and a soft smile. He doesn’t know why, but he finds this boy quite special. It was like, when the whole world was against him, when no one wanted him, the boy did.
He spent the day with the boy again, visiting all his friends in the hospital with him. His roommate was dancing with a slim boy he remembered seeing yesterday, Hyunseung was it?, and he must of been crazy or something but he started to dance with them, awkwardly at first, but then his body started to move before his mind and he was having fun.
They went to visit the western looking boy they visited yesterday too. He had a broken rib, but that didn’t stop him from laughing at all of his roommate’s jokes and aeygo. Junhyung laughed too, and the sound was horrid and scratchy at first, but no one seemed to notice how unnatural it was, and Junhyung pushed it aside.
Then they were sent back to their room, and Junhyung had his to go to his check up. He turned and looked at his roommate one more time, who nodded as a sign of encouragement, with the same sparkle in his eyes.
“I’ll be here when you get back.”
And the doctors ran all these tests with their fancy technology, and Junhyung didn’t recognize a thing they were doing, but they told him he was going to be fine, that he could be released. And oh the joy he felt at that moment, as he ran back to tell his roommate, he’ll promise to come back and visit.
But he was met with an empty bed.
“You’re looking for him, aren’t you?”
Junhyung turned around. It was Dongwoon.
“I’m sorry, he’s not here anymore, the doctors just took him away. Maybe he went to go find what was beyond the clouds, he always liked them.”
This wasn’t the way it was supposed to be.
“He probably didn’t tell you, he doesn’t like telling people, but he’s been battling with cancer for 8 years now. Last year, the doctors told him that he wouldn’t live for more than 6 months, but he surprised everyone. I guess we all thought he would make it.”
No, no, no, definitely not the way it was supposed to be.
Suddenly, his words popped into his head. Clouds. Maybe they were both like clouds. He was there to protect him, to guide him, even though he knew he didn’t have every long. Maybe he was a cloud himself too. He’s an imperfection, but maybe, his roommate was trying to tell him that he was more important than he thinks he is.
And then Junhyung realizes that it’s not about the years in your life, it’s about the life in your years. His roommate didn’t have very long in this world, but the vivacity he carried, the energy; it was all more than Junhyung could manage in his entire life. Maybe that was a life worth living, and maybe, just maybe, if he was willing and tried hard enough, he could make up for all the years he’s missed out on.
And as he starts to wonder himself what lies beyond the clouds, he realizes that he didn’t even know his name.
He opens his eyes to the blinding sunlight, and he’s back on the roof of the school, cigarette in one hand, and his favourite black lighter in another.
He looks around and there’s another boy there. Maybe he’s been there the whole time, maybe he just came. It’s a petite boy, with raven black hair and round cheeks and brown orbs with a familiar sparkle to them.
Junhyung stares as he puts down his cigarette and lighter with shaky hands.
The boy turns to look at him with a smile, pointing to the clouds, “They’re magical, don’t you think?”
(“And oh by the way, I’m Yoseob. You know, light yo, fire seob. It’s nice to finally meet you.”)