The BBC has a silly
fantasy cabinet generator at the moment. I've had a bit of a play, leaving out the silly fantasy options (which let you pick any name you type in), or some of the more outlandishly bonkers options. Brown appointing Charles Clarke to any of those posts? Heh.
Notable features of my list:
- Darling is there because, well, that's probably what's going to happen
- if Miliband is going to be the Labour leader after Brown, might as well give him a high profile brief now
- Hutton seems generally competent, as does Benn, but I don't have a particular urge as to what roles they should have
- I can't find anyone I want to put in the Culture role, so have left Tessa Jowell in by default
- I toyed with Hain for Defence, but would probably leave Browne in to give the MoD some continuity, and would maybe give Hain something like a Secretary of State / Minister for Regional Devolution post
- there is no room for Hazel Blears!