
Jun 25, 2008 10:55

Ooh, a writer's block thing that could almost have been made for me. If you could have the power to fly, be invisible, or teleport anywhere, which would you choose?

Ever since I was little, I've been fascinated with magic. I remember reading The Magicians of Caprona by Diana Wynne Jones when I was about 9 or 10 and thoroughly enjoying it, although I'm not sure if I knew it was part of a series. Also, I read A Wizard of Earthsea, although it's only in the last couple of years that I've read the rest of them. The TV film of Earthsea, mentioned in the Pikiwedia article, is a perfectly average fantasy romp that happens to borrow Earthsea elements. As an actual adaptation of it, though, it completely misses the point. In many cases, it just alters the plots for no apparent reason. Bleh.

Anyway, there have been two things that have fascinated me in magic, one of which is on that list. Teleportation is just so bloody cool. Put me in a game (computer game, pen and paper RPG, whatever) where I can create a character that can teleport and I'll probably do it. Long-distance stuff, short distance dimension door tomfoolery and, in a few things I've read, doing freaky stuff with teleportation as a weapon (other than the usual "Teleport someone 5000 yards up, and wait").

Flying would be fun, and I've had dreams in which I've flown - it was sort of like sculling and doing the backstroke in the air. Invisibility is probably cool when you're 12 and want to sneak into changing rooms and stuff, but meh.

I saw the film Jumper recently and, at M*'s instigation, I also read the book. Both very good fun, in different ways.

So yeah, teleportation = win.
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