Feb 27, 2011 10:30
I have the weirdest dreams…
First I had a puppy, but my parents locked it in the garage because it peed on the carpet, and there was a boat in the rose bushes. Not so bad for a dream.
Then I was in a bar, debating what to order, and an old high school friend showed up, but she’d gained a massive amount of weight and was trying to get me to join a secret society, and pulled me in to a backroom.
Then I was in Alaska, where my University was, and I had to deal with the other five people living there, who didn’t like me at all. The university was completely empty and all it did was snow. But another old high school friend lived nearby in a mobile home, and she was not doing well either.
Finally, and here’s where it gets interesting: I had to save my love (unfaced and unknown) from a deep well he had fallen into. But when I went to retrieve him the well proved to be horizontal rather than vertical, and my love was trapped magically in a sort of basket with a roof. I couldn’t get him out no matter what I tried, until I found two tickets lying in the muck and handed them to him. I knew that with those two tickets we could both leave safely. However, the entire time my love was screaming, telling me of the great monster that lives in the shadows, beyond the candlelight. So when I handed him the tickets, the great beast came forward into the light, trust my love (in his little basket) farther down the well, and took me down a secret passage that opened up into a large theatre-shaped room. The monster was made of stone, looking for all the world like the Mayan carvings in temples, 2-dimensional, but enormous. Looking around, I noticed the theatre area was full of other large stone entities, both male and female. I knew then that the monster that had grabbed me was in fact the god of Guatemala. The head of the council of gods chided him for bringing a mortal to their council, but asked what the problem was. He HAD to let us free if we had the tickets. Guatemala refused, wanting both me and my love to play with, for the rest of time. Guatemala was very childish, and was often crouching or on his knees, as opposed to the other members of the council, who stood straight and tall. I began to appeal to the head of the council myself, whom I instinctively knew was the French goddess. I explained my situation, my possession of the tickets, and my inability to live without my love. I fell to my knees, begging, crying, pleading, bashing my fists against the ground, proclaiming in French that I could not live without my love and to set us both free. France decided in my favor (more to stop my whining than because she felt sympathy) and Guatemala reluctantly disappeared, allowing me to find my way back to my love with our tickets and retrieve ourselves out of the well.
… Yes. I don’t even know.