Oct 26, 2005 12:25
why is it that when one aspect of your life starts getting better, everything else declines?
--exhibit A. i got my dad's check early. now i can pay my electric and phone bills, buy gas, not worry about rent this week, and get henry rollins tickets. woohoo.
--exhibit B. coffee again with guy who now needs a nickname so i can refer to him more easily (and no, that will not be his nickname). he's smart, funny, has straight teeth.... not as hot as he thinks... and that's the same thing i said about sean. this guy would be cuter if he were dating me. haha. but for some reason, thinking of anything past coffee kind of freaks me out.
--exhibit B.5 . (that's B and a half.) it's getting a little easier to get That Stuff out of my head... once again, i totally overreacted at first and then quickly stopped caring. fuck 'em. save for the occasional song i refuse to listen to (which is turning out to be a lot, and quite a few good ones) i'm ok.
--exhibit C. party on saturday, with jenna and adam and a ton of people i dont know. i get to dress up all sexy like, get drunk, and hopefully take tons of pictures. only delimma is do i take aforementioned guy with no nickname with me, or do i risk hating everyone just to be able to hit on a random guy i dont know? i dont know. also debating on inviting one of two other girls, but as it's not my party (and probably not my car we're taking) i'm not sure on the etiquite issue.
--exhibit D. so sleeping until 2 pm is great. except when you're supposed to work at 11.30. i had no clue i had that shift, and now my hottopic manager is mad at me because he had to come in on his day off. understandable. but that makes the rest of this hard.
--exhibit E. i am scheduled to work 11.30 to 4 at hottopic on friday. problem = i have a german test at 11. if it were just a regular class period, i would happily ditch to work. but i cant, it's a quiz. i talked to the prof, and he said he just couldnt work around my work schedule, so i'd have to work it out. options = a) see if i can come in to hottopic late or b) try to trade that shift. what it all comes down to is i need to go in and talk to jeff, which sucks, cause i'm sure i'll cry at some point.
--exhibit F. i havent checked my galaxy schedule yet, but i'm sure it's fucked up.... and i either wont get to go see the briefs on friday, or i'll be scheduled to work during a shift i have at hottopic. fuck.
--exhibit G. (i almost forgot the letter that comes after f). i have a paper due at 3 pm today, which i completely forgot about until right before german class. when i'm done wallowing in my own self-pity, i'll go write said paper. but still, that sucks. i also have to finish one assignment and write one i have no clue about for the class i ditched on tuesday. and a german quiz on friday, at which i'll likely suck ass.
yeah. ok. i think i should repost this on myspace. yeah.