Jun 13, 2012 08:53
I hate this time of year. The heat is unpleasant, the smell of people is foul, the brightness of the sun is nearly unbearable and everyones cheery mood. But for me it is more than that, for more than 20 years I have not liked summer, never sure why but I haven't. Yeah as a kid liked not having school for 3 months, but that really was it. Part of me thinks part of the reason I don't like it is because most everyone else is happy about it, or it could be that it has to do with my birthday being this time of year (which I personally refuse to celebrate). I don't begrudge others celebrating thier birthday or my loved ones celebrating mine (despite my insistance not to) but I personally haven't celebrated my birthday since 87' or 88'. Why I stopped I don't know and at this point I really don't care its no longer important.
Back to my being blue and hating the summer months, as I had said I am not really sure why I hate the summer months. I could list a dozen or more things that could trigger my dislike of this time of year but in doing so it would likely just depress me further. I really need to stop gripeing here because doing so is making me dislike summer and depressed even more.