Nov 16, 2006 10:38
i registered for spring 2007 classes today!!!
and i am SO excited.
here's the lowdown:
Intro to Advertising: so i'm not an advertising major but i had to take something inside the mass comm department but outside of my major and i figured that magazines have a lot to do with advertising so why not.
Spanish 2: i'm really excited about this because i have pretty much a 100% in spanish 1 and i love love love my professor (or profesora, if you will). so it's pretty much an easy A AND it's 4 credits so it helps my GPA a lot.
Research Methods in Mass Communications: yuck. this is gonna suck ass. but i have to take it, it's a requirement and it's finally something that pertains to what i'm actually going to do with my life instead of something like oceanography. i hate general education requirements. what a waste of 2 years.
Beginning Reporting: so this can either go well, or terribly. i've heard that they are some professors who give you like 8 stories a week to write and i'm afraid i just won't have time for that, but we'll see how that goes. at least it's writing, and i love to write.
and last but definitely not least!!! i signed up for...
Swing Dance!!!! I'm really excited about this one because i saw a bunch of people swing dancing outside of one of the buildings yesterday and it just looks like a lot of fun. so we'll see how that goes.
ok so that's my update. <3