Nov 07, 2006 23:46
so it's been forever since i've updated this thing but tom is gone and lauren is watching lame-o happy tree friends so i'm in my room procrastinating on a paper that was due today and is extended to thursday.
i have to write a news story. i'm not a news writer. i'm a creative writer. i'm in magazine journalism, TOTALLY different from news writing. news writing = to the point, concise, boring. so i got to class last time and my professor goes "write a news story" that's it. no elaboration on how the hell to write one, we were just supposed to be born to know it or something. so what did i do? i wrote a boring story, because news writing is boring. ok, so maybe the news itself isn't boring but the actual style and everything is super not interesting to me. so i don't think i'm going to get a good grade on it, i might change it a little bit it still doesn't change the fact that i don't know how to write news.
anyway i did write a paper for my english grammar and usage class that i am loving though. it's about a girl with aids. it was really short but i really liked it and i made everyone read it. they liked it too so it's not like i tortured anyone. maybe i'll post it.
tom has been gone for a total of....10 days now. he won't be back until december 18th-ish. it seems so far from now. it doesn't get easier. you create ways to trick yourself or try to keep busy but it's never easy being away from someone you love. a part of my life is gone and i'm trying to work around it. i pretty much do everything by myself now. eat, sleep, go places. i mean, lauren and nancy are pretty much the only people i hang out with and they have lives so it's hard for them to entertain me 24/7 like i need to be. at least i get to talk to tom often. when i go to spain this summer, i won't be able to talk to him as often because i'll have to use a phone card. my rate would be 99 cents a minute if i were to use my cell in spain. f that.
i'm really excited about spain. i'm trying my best to learn the language but it's so hard to learn the conversational aspect. i've got the reading and writing down, but speaking and hearing is so hard when it comes to another language. maybe i'll get better by the end of spanish 2. i wish i had learned a language earlier in life.
i think i've written enough. i'll probably update more now that i don't have a life.
maybe i'll start posting pics with my entries, that makes it more interesting, right?
who reads books without pictures anyway?