Nov 05, 2004 00:51
So what do we do now?
Seriously, I am so scared about the next four years. This country is in some serious trouble--and I don't mean just because Bush was re-elected (by an actual majority this time? what?!). Certainly, I believe that the Bush administration has already done major damage to this country (and the world?). Certainly, I believe that these next four years could be catastrophic. But really, the scariest thing is how incredibly divided we are. Almost a 50-50 split. This country is so extremely divided.
I always scoff when conservatives talk about a "culture war," but really, that's what it's come down to. The dude on the Daily Show tonight (Bill Kristol, a Republican/conservative apparently) said we are split between the "values" people, who voted for Bush, and the "anti-values" people. Rimshot, please. We know where the divisions lie: religion, evolution, homosexuality, and abortion are probably the major issues here.
I don't know what I'm writing about at the moment. Apologies. I'm just confused and scared.
Other Bush/conservative/Republican "values," besides these supposedly "moral" ones:
Corporations over people, environment, law.
Security over liberty.
Rich over poor.
America over everyone else.
Sorry, I am just writing whatever comes to my head.
Of course, the Democrats are no better. Fuck Kerry. Sure, he looks like a good option now, but I never liked him:
Pro-military. Pro-preemptive war. Pro-corporate.
The Democrats are moderate to conservative, the Republicans are extremely conservative. These are the choices they gave us. A foot in the groin or a boot in the face. Both are utterly beholden to corporate interests. The Republicans are just more honest about it.
It looks as if Bush really won this year. He really didn't four years ago. The corruption of the last election was appalling. It's really hard to deny that. I wish I could. Maybe later we'll learn more about what happened this year. The Republicans, by many accounts, certainly seemed prepared to use dirty tricks to win--misleading, disenfranchising voters. That's pretty clear. Maybe they didn't even have to do so. But they were prepared to.
I'm sure the Democrats had some tricks up their sleeve. I don't trust them either. But really, can anyone think of any?
I don't want to indulge in conspiracy theories.
I don't doubt that conspiracies are real though. Not for a second. No one should doubt that. Of course there is shit behind the scenes. There always is. Society is shored up by the shit behind the scenes. Should I say "the facade of society is shored up by the shit behind the scenes"?
How radical should I be? Should I be in the streets? Should I be organizing? (Organizing what?) Should I be writing? Should I be bombing shit? Should I give up? Should I be reading? Should I just listen? Should I be thinking? Should I wear black? Should I expatriate? Should I turn vegan? Should I turn gay? Should I find Jesus? Should I smoke pot? Should I cry? Should I scream? Should I even care? Should I shut up? (Probably.)
Four more years. Four more years. Four more years. Four more years. Four more years. Four more years. Four more years. FOur more years. FOur more years. FOur more years. FOur more yeasr. FOur more yeaSr. FOur more yeaSr. FOur more yeasr. Four more yeasr. Four more yeasr. FOure more yeasr. FOur mour years. Fore moar year.s Four more youasr. Fore morea years. Four more yeasrs. Four more yeasrt. FOur moue years. FOur more yeasrs. Four more yeasrs. Four more yaas.r Four more yeasr. Four more yeasrs four more yeasrs. Foure more yeasr. Four more years. FOure more yueas.
Four more years.