Nothing Really

Mar 13, 2005 20:16

Welcome again to my new livejournal. Let see how long it lasts.

Spent today mostly at pedro's house with Daniel playing music and stuff. It was pretty cool and Jimmy Olsen Blues sounded really cool. But other than that today was pretty uneventful. Umm, Yeah Recently I've been hanging out with a select few. But, it hasnt really bothered. Those select few have been the world and I thank them. Kelly that was so much fun yesterday night I love our talks. But not so keen n the ice (acutally the water). You make living here worth it. Chelsea I hope you eventually find this lol. I wonder how long it will take u to find it. Umm. YEah thats it for today. Miss all the people that should be missed.Oh yeah and 10 days how cool is that. I can't wait for everyone to meet you chikita.
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