May 30, 2004 20:31
i know 99.9% of the people who read my journal won't read this but when it comes down to it, my journal is for mE.
Writer's Survey
What's the last thing you wrote?
besides a posT? this essay on why ADD sucks and how to better understand the likes of uS. out of my own freewilL
Was it any good?
i'd like to think sO. maybe i'll post it when it's all donE.
What's the first thing you ever wrote that you still have?
in 5th grade i started a WHOLE bunch of fiction books that i have only the first few chapters of eacH. lazy bastarD!
Was it any good?
some had potentiaL. until i got older and relized they suckeD.
Write poetry?
it's my main outleT.
Angsty poetry?
Favorite genre of writing?
thinking type stufF. theories and what noT. so i guess philosiphY(even though i'm a writer, i'm a shitty spelleR).
Most fun character you ever wrote?
stonerS. they're my passioN.
Most annoying character you ever wrote?
most of the characters i wrote when i was youngeR.
Best plot you ever wrote?
the one about inside my heaD.
Coolest plot twist you ever wrote?
not really surE.
How often do you get writer's block?
everyone in awhile i'll lose motivation but i'm always writing somethinG.
How do you fix it?
by living life and then i can't stop writing, as usuaL.
Do you type or write by hand?
both depending on where i am and how i feeL.
Do you save everything you write?
yeaH. i trying to break that habit 'cause the shitty stuff needs to find a garbagE. whenever i find the will poweR.
Do you ever go back to an old idea long after you abandoned it?
yeah, all the timE.
What's your favorite thing that you've written?
i'v got a few favoriteS. i just get excited when i think i do something gooD. or if i find somehthing i haven't seen for awhilE
Do you show people your work?
yeah, some of my close friendS. like reX.
Who's your favorite constructive critic?
Do you have a website for your writings?
Did you ever write a novel?
the first few chapterS. must be the ADD.
Have you ever written fantasy, sci-fi, or horror?
those are my favoriteS. to read and writE.
Ever written romance or teen angsty drama?
my stories tend to include thosE. just 'cause my stories include all aspects of lifE.
What's your favorite setting for your characters?
evilnesS. if that doesn't make sense to you, oh welL.
What's one genre you have never written, and probably never will?
murder mysterieS. they are so borinG. except hannibaL.
How many writing projects are you working on right now?
poems spurt out ALL THE TIME. i'm trying to polish my ADD essaY. and name iT.
Do you want to write for a living?
yeah, but who can do that anymorE.
Have you ever written something for a magazine or newspaper?
no, but i'm trying to get poems publisheD.
Have you ever won an award for your writing?
no because the only contests i see say my subject matter is too inapproprate for my age grouP. damn theM.
Ever written something in script or play format?
Do you ever write based on yourself?
when something in my life moves me toO. but i almost never stick too closE.
Where do you get ideas for your other characters?
in my head mostlY. or by watching strangerS.
Do you ever write based on your dreams?
yeah, poemS.
Do you favor happy endings, sad endings, or cliffhangers?
i favor ironY. and sad endingS. 'cause everyone always wants happy oneS.
Have you ever written based on an artwork you've seen?
i've been forced to in creative writinG. that teacher didn't know anythinG. seriouslY.
Are you concerned with spelling and grammar as you write?
i try sometimeS. otherwise i may come back later and not know what i meanT. or i just don't know that word's spellinG.
Does music help you write?
definatelY. it blocks out the destracting noises like car alarms and little dogS(that should be shoT).
Are people surprised and confused when they find out you write well?
yeah, 'cause i protray this dumb stoner stereotypE. most people are actually kinda offended 'cause i'm supose to be dumB. i guesS.
Quote something you've written. The first thing to pop into your mind.
"i guess i love you who i use to love hating too"
I dare you to take a personality survey as one of your characters: