- Meltdown by my sister
- Moved to a hotel
So yeah, Saturday was eventful. I got the number (finally) for my aunt and uncle in New Jersey so I could call them myself because I honestly didn’t think that my mother properly conveyed my need to see him and I wanted to talk to my aunt myself to see if I could come see my uncle even for 10 minutes even if he was sleeping, just to look at him. Well, I call and lo and behold my uncle actually answers the phone and sounds AMAZING to say the least. He was overjoyed that “his baby” called and that I was in PA and ASKED if I would like to come down and visit! Ok, so now, I’m convinced that the urgency was not relayed properly and someone is snowing me big time. I make arrangements to go see him on Monday. I tell my mom what I thought was wonderful news and ask if she wants to go with us. No, she doesn’t go into Jersey and will see him in a few weeks. Alright, whatever, I’m happy as a clam now… I get to see him and he sounds fantastic! At this point, my sister is quiet and looking quite pissed most of the morning. As Mike and I get ready to go to Jim Thorpe, I did something stupid and ask what’s wrong. This apparently unleashed a torrent of fantastically irrational screaming about how horrible I am! Whee! Meltdown! Let me just do this point for point here, it’s more entertaining this way…
How dare I lie and say I was coming to visit them when all I wanted to do was see Uncle Gene!
Uh,yeah… been saying that was the reason the whole time. I wouldn’t have done last minute tickets just to see the folks.
How dare I not visit my parents in 4 years and her kids in 9 ½!
Well, considering any time the parents came to Florida it was to see Florida and I was a side trip, I’m doing nothing different than they did. Visiting her kids? You mean the ones I’ve never met? Yeah, that was top of my priority list …not.
How dare I not pay for any food and she wants that money now!
Considering I offered and was flat out refused multiple times to pay for food and was going to have to resort to deception to leave money and/or just buy food, not my issue. Mom spoke up during this and said that I was going to bring food but nothing about me offering. Thanks mom. I told her she needed to take that up with mom. Besides, between Mike and I, we ate 2 steaks, about 2 cups of taco salad and 4 slices of pizza… really broke the bank there.
How dare I not pay her back the $200 she gave me as a GIFT years ago!
I made sure to ask about a hundred times when it happened if I could pay her back and was told repeatedly that it was a gift. It was to be used to pay a retainer on an attorney to get my son back. I did exactly that. Only now, because I didn’t get Ehren (even though I did for a year) and I didn’t keep him (even though he was violent and destructive) it now became a loan that she wanted paid RIGHT NOW! Well, deary, a gift is a gift even in the court of law, I owe you nothing. Not going to happen.
Why didn’t I call Uncle Gene when I found out! The only reason I want to see him is for money!
Well, let’s see, didn’t call him because a.) I didn’t have his number and b.) was told in no uncertain terms to not call. As far as wanting his money, please. I don’t want or need anyone’s money, I do this crazy thing sometimes called caring and being my godfather and all happen to love him and care about his well being. Not in her world apparently.
I caused my mother 3 nervous breakdowns! She needs to be protected from me!
‘Scuse me, what? News to me. Apparently, one of them was when I took her baby away. Oh you mean, my baby, the one I gave birth to because once again the insanity of overly emotional people in that house was driving me crazy and I had to leave? Yeah, ok…keep on thinking everyone is innocent but me. I am the evil doer! I cause all problems in that house even though I haven’t even lived there (sans an 8 month stint) in 20 years.
I’m a liar!
Yes, because I didn’t remember that I sent a friend request to our neighbor on myspace, I was automatically lying about it and everything else in the world!
I am a lesbian and on drugs!
Uh what? Of course, all lesbians have boyfriends! Considering I only played around with acid when I was about 20 maybe a handful of times, I really can’t say at 38 that I’m on drugs. According to her I have that on my myspace! Uh no, double checked it there.. don’t know whose profile she’s reading, but it ain’t mine that’s for sure.
Mike had the audacity to call my father Gary instead of Dad and that was the last straw with him!
Ooookay crazy lady. First, when my folks visited our place 4 years ago, he was told to call him Gary by my father. Second, how can it be the last straw, they have no history with Mike whatsoever. Any time he’s been around them he has been polite to a fault even when they’ve been difficult. So yeah, calling him Gary instead of a more familiar Dad is a big no-no because he hasn’t earned the right to call him Gary and they aren’t on equal standing. ‘Scuse me again? Ummm… adult male, meet adult male or father meet father, or however you want to shake it, they are equal… period.
Various I owe my parents money from them sending me to college and $200 for tires…
Apparently, she has become the spokesman for my parents who must now be mutes or something that they can’t speak for themselves. Last I saw them, all the issues that we had when I was a teenager 22 years ago had been ironed out and the whole forgive and forget thing. Guess not, they just passed the torch of grudge to my sister. As far as me owing them for college, there was never any talk of repaying them, ever. Like never ever. When it comes to $200 for tires, seriously I don’t remember, they could be right, they could be snowing me, I don’t know. Even still, that is not an issue for her to debate, but them.
You only had a kid to say you did/I have my children/They should throw you in jail!
Um, no it wasn’t to say that I did, it was because I wanted a child. I’ve rehashed here a million times the reason for my choice of him being with his father and I’m not going to defend it again. I’m glad you have your children… all 3… that you had while still living off my folks… with your husband… without a job… either of you most of the time you lived there. That’s right, she’s 36 still lives with Mommy and Daddy with the 3 kids, doesn’t have a job because the people she worked for were “mean” and essentially lives off of them and the child support she gets for those 3 kids. You talk about me owing them $200 plus 1 count them 1 semester of college. Yeah, I think she wins the wring ‘em till their dry award. Oh and as far as jail, she thinks I should go because I don’t have my son with me. Right, people get jailed for that all the time. Didn’t you know every divorced couple with children has one parent in jail because they don’t have custody that’s why the prisons are so overcrowded! Damn I better watch out!
It all boiled down to her being all crazy, out of control and emotional and screaming for us to get out of the house. At this point, you would think that mom would step in since she did know the story of why I was there, was at the apartment when dad said to call him Gary, could vouch for me offering to pay for food and tell her that the business between my parents and I was just that, our business…but no, she didn’t. Her only comment other than to say that the screaming needed to stop (Tamie was the only one screaming and swearing I was speaking low) was that this was Tamie’s house too when I asked if she wanted me to leave. Ok lady, you picked your side, I’m gone. Mike came in, we packed our stuff and left and went and found a hotel to stay at until our flight on Tuesday.
Tada! In one fell swoop, I have no more family!!! Considering the out of control emotional instability, I’m definitely better off. Last time bridges were mended I reached out to them because I knew I was an ornery kid and I needed to make apologies. This time, I did nothing and I mean nothing wrong. I will not reach out nor will I respond if they do reach out. Tamie always wanted to be an only child, now she’s got it. Seriously, I would think it would affect me more, but it really doesn’t which I find fascinating.
Now… on to the rest of my tale…