I'm here!

Apr 15, 2008 01:16

The flights weren't too bad. I kept myself occupied by reading 300 pages of the new Dresden novel and the time seemed to fly by. Got to the airport and it was under some nasty construction but I was able to make it down, get my bags and the rental car and was out of there in about an hour. Then I got stuck in rush hour going up to Lake Mary to the hotel. At about 6:45pm, I finally made it through checkin and was up in the room. After many quick phone calls, it was back out for food and toiletries. I realized about an hour after I got back to the hotel that I forgot to get a brush...brilliant. That'll be a trip down to the gift shop in the morning. For food, I hit firehouse subs. We don't have those in Oregon and I wanted me some Italian sub fully involved. Oh and honey... there was no pickle! YAY!

At this point, I had the sinus/migraine from hell. Watched Dancing with the Stars, called home then conked out. Problem is that I woke up completely wide awake at 3am and I can't fall back to sleep...ugh.

Tomorrow, I don't need to be in the office until 10am which will give me enough time to hit the gift shop for that brush, come up and finish my hair and get to the security desk to get a new badge that works in both locations. Then it's on to start 2 weeks of adventure and craziness in my new position.

It's been a little weird driving around. My head isn't thinking about where I'm going and my muscle memory of the roads are solid. It's been 2 years since I left but it just feels..odd. I can't really describe it. Oh and the people here still drive like crap :P
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