Jul 29, 2007 18:26
This past week was much different at work. The boss was gone so all the stressy stuff he brings with him wasn't there. The manager they sent to stand in for him was virtually invisible. The director of the department was up doing interviews for the Asst. Mgr position and I interviewed for that on Tuesday. On Thursday, I woke up with the most incredible sore throat I've had in years which over the day turned into a sinus infection that kept me home with no voice on Friday. By Friday night, the cold had moved into my chest as well and I've spent most of the past 3 days either in bed or on the couch. There was a slight detour yesterday for a few hours to take Ehren up to the Stand By Me reunion thingy in town, but that was a bit more than I could handle.
Katie is out of the house for the week with her grandparents so that kind of shoots down anything Mike and I wanted to do tonight because I'm not leaving Ehren in the house by himself at night. So, yeah, whee...awesome weekend. At least I have a voice now, but it seems that I traded my voice for the girly thing so I don't think I got a good deal on that one.
So....anyone out there with kids know how you can get a 12 year old boy to start thinking of other people than himself, doing his chores like he was shown how 89887687666868688 times and stop him from talking back without popping his head off like a dandelion?
This week is going to consist of replacing a 16ft section of fencing that was wrecked once and shoddily patched because of our sewer work and then wrecked again this week because of the city's sewer work. Joy.