Dreams, Reality and Truth [6/?]

Mar 08, 2012 13:33

Title: Dreams, Reality and Truth [6/?]
Author: Cara_Cersei
Pairing: Kahlan/Cara, Denna/Cara
Rating: R
Warning: Sex, general angst
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot and Simon
Summary: Kahlan recieves the hope of escape and Cara compares sex with Denna to sex with Kahlan.

"Mother Confessor". A warm voice pierced the dense fog of solitude. 
The very fact that it was so gentle, not hard, not mocking, not cruel; was so shocking she turned to the sound, the faint scent of blood filling her senses.
Standing at the barred window of the wooden door to her dungeon cell was Smile. He was nicer than the others, never taunted her, sometimes he even smiled; a rare sight in this nightmare of a prison. She didn't know the names of any of her guards, so she had given them names. At first she had watched them, learning them, looking for an opportunity to escape.
But now, everything seemed so futile, all she could think of was Cara, how she had lost her. 
"Mother Confessor, are you alright?"
A humourless laugh escaped her lips. She stood up, her muscles stiff from disuse. There was very little room in the damp dungeon that had been her home since Denna had first taken them.
"Why do you care?" Her voice was hoarse from lack of use.
"Because Mother Confessor I want to help you escape." Suspicion flared in Kahlan as she narrowed her eyes. This was probably just another one of Denna's games, to torture her further. But if he was being honest... well... this could be her only chance.
"What is your name," she demanded, letting herself slip into her Confessor persona.
"It's Simon, Simon Fallow, Mother Confessor. Look I know you don't believe me but I'm sincere. I was forced into serving Darken Rahl, it's the only decent job in the area and I have a sick mother who needs medicines, and their expensive you see. I really want to get you out, it's wrong to keep you locked up like this! And..."
Kahlan interrupted his rambling with an admonishing hand. Her breath was caught in her throat, hope running rampant through her. She could see Simon was telling the truth, she finally had a chance.
"Well obviously we... wait, you believe me?
"I am the Mother Confessor, I can see the truth in your eyes."
"Oh, really... alright. I will come to you as soon as I have found a way out."
"Thank you, but why do want to help me?"
A fierce look crossed Simon's face. "I have seen great suffering performed in the name of Darken Rahl. Under his rule all we knew was fear, my brother was forced into his service and died as a result. And throughout all of that we heard of the Midlands, of a land free from tyranny. Then you came and helped the Seeker kill Darken Rahl. We owe you everything."
 Kahlan was unable to express her gratitude, that this complete stranger would risk all for her.  Simon nodded and hurriedly left.
Kahlan was left alone for a long time, the cold and distant screams her only companions.
Eventually the sound of footsteps once again interrupted her solitude. The door flew open and Kahlan's breath caught as she saw who was standing in the doorway. 
Denna was leaning against the doorway, her arms folded over her chest. One eyebrow was raised as she appraised Kahlan with her cold blue eyes. Denna was holding a chain and attached to the end of it was Cara.
She was naked save for the leather straps, her gaze pointedly fixed on the floor.
 Denna turned to Cara, cupping Cara's face lifting it up to meet hers. Denna drew her into a deep kiss, all the while never breaking eye contact with Kahlan.
Kahlan felt sick, seeing Denna kiss Cara and Cara not resisting. Denna seemed to sense her feelings for she released Cara and turned to Kahlan, a mocking grin on her features.  
"Mother Confessor, I trust you're comfortable."
She laughed when Kahlan didn't answer, stepping into the room- dragging Cara by the chain.
"You're in luck Confessor, Cara here has been such a good girl that I'm going to give the two of you a few moments alone." She turned to Cara, "What do we say?" 
"Thank you Mistress." A gleam shone in Denna's eye, reminding them all the power she had over the everything.
She gloated over them all once more before stalking away, locking the door behind her.
She and Cara stood for a moment in shock, just gazing at one another. Then, with a rush of emotion they ran into one another's arms. Their lips met with a crushing force as they held each other close, touching everywhere.
Tears poured down Kahlan's face as all her suppressed emotions came to the fore. She pulled apart from Cara, just to see her, to take the beauty that had been so long denied her.
They sank to the floor alternating between kissing and talking quietly. They discussed quietly to one another of how they were, and of escape.
Constance walked up to stand beside Denna as she stood by the hidden window, watching Cara and Kahlan make love.
"Forgive me Mistress, but what is the point of giving them time together?"
Denna turned to Constance, her eyebrow was raised in it's usual mocking leer, but there was something in her eyes, something Constance couldn't quite place, something she had never seen in Denna before.
"Oh, Sister Constance," she drawled, "surely it's obvious. By giving them this time together it will make their separation all the more painful. This will remind them of all they have lost."
Constance nodded, understanding dawning in her, she shrugged off the uncomfortable feeling that something was wrong, secure in the knowledge her former trainer was as unchanged as ever. 
Cara once again lay  naked in the luxurious bed within Denna's quarters. Denna hovered on top of her, so close she could smell the physical manifestation of Denna's lust.
She hated this, it was so unlike with Kahlan, it was both better and worse. With Kahlan it was all cuddles and kisses, all about love and pleasing one another.
But with Denna... the woman knew her, knew all her weaknesses, what made her scream. Whenever she was fucking Denna, it was always her giving, Denna taking. Yet she loved it even while she loathed it.
Denna kissed her, surprisingly gently, Cara forced herself to return the kiss, to protect Kahlan. 
"Turn over for me."
Cara turned, letting Denna's soft fingers guide her into position on her hands and knees.
Denna dragged one finger down to Cara's holes, stroking the warm wetness forming there. Cara was barely able to suppress a whimper in anticipation of was yet to come.
Denna leaned over her, pushing her finger partially into Cara's vagina. Cara whined, her body desperate for more. As if sensing her wants, Denna kept her finger there, kissing her neck and back, drawing the experience out, torturing her. 
Eventually Denna started thrusting, steady fingers building Cara up, pushing her to the edge. She was so close, "Mistress, may I come?", she knew the rules, even now.
She heard the whine of the agiel, before she could protest Denna shoved the agiel inside her, pushing it as hard as she could.
At first she felt only the pain as it rode up within her, building into an agonising crescendo. Denna rocked against her as pleasure began to lace the pain, creating a wasteland of fire and ice. Cara rode the storm as she reached her climax. She came down, panting hard.
Denna dropped her head, sucking her earlobe in as she whispered intimately, "You see Cara, I can give what no-one else can. You can pretend you love the Confessor, but we both know she can never understand you like I can."
Cara sighed in defeat, for there was truth to Denna's words, and they blurred the lines of dreams and reality.

cara/denna cara/kahlan

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