so tired..

Apr 06, 2008 16:09

so i have a case of mild insomnia.
ive never had any type of sleeping disorder, well other than my crazy sleepwalking tales and my tendency to talk in my sleep.. but ive never had any difficulties falling asleep except for the last.. well month.

for example. saturday. i was fucking WASTED all day! i drank maybe 9 or ten beers, as well as half a mickey- some fireball and danced my ass off and i come home - al passes out instantly - and i lie wide awake in bed till five in the fucking morning, like wtf??
then last night, i fall asleep on the couch- go to bed at one and i lie awake in bed till 4 in the morning.
i think ive watched monsters inc 4 times and finding nemo (theyre my comfort-fall asleep-movies) twice in the last two nights..and still no sleep.
i try smoking pot, a lot of pot but my body just gets tired but my mind is still awake.
ive also been walking lots before i get home from work or going out but still i have problems sleeping.

it sucks, cause im soo tired during the day that its hard to concentrate and i drink tons of coffee and tea and im exhausted all day- but the minute i turn off the lights and its time to sleep my mind starts racing of all the things i need to do.. and if its not thinking of things i need to do.. i have chromeos tenderoni stuck in my head, which has to be one of the catchiest- gets stuck in your head- songs ever..

ive tried everything. breathing tecniques, solitaire, tv, reading, homework.. and nothing helps.

does anyone have any tips on falling asleep when your mind refuses too??

im thinking about buying a bottle of nyquil but i dont want to rely on sick medication to be able to fall asleep.. but i might have to cave just so i can focus during the day..

on the other hand..last weekend was sooooo MUCH FUCKING FUN!!
i cant wait for summer and i think saturday had to be one of the best days ever- we definetly need to have more day time dance parties more often.. and this time snowboard goggles for all.. hee hee.. that and gold jackets.. and old man hobo jackets.. hee hee.. all three at the same time..
hee hee mary, i keep thinking of you and als dance offs.. im laughing right now..
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