A smothered, covered patty melt and a bottomless cup of coffee; Tallahassee pt. 2

Apr 04, 2005 22:21

My razor broke. I don’t really have the will to fix it so I guess I’m just growing a moustache now.

After I was done talking to Dr. Laurie Roth, I turned off the radio. I could’ve stayed on and listened to what other people had to say about my call but I had my laughs and it went straight to commercial. Five minutes in commercial time is more than you know.

When we got into Tallahassee we met up with Nate, my older brother. He was at the Waffle House when we pulled in. Then all of a sudden he wasn’t at the Waffle House. He just ran off with my younger brother to buy camouflage.

Then Stacy, Nate’s long time girlfriend, showed up. She’s an astounding five feet and everyone in the family’s taller than her, spare my eight-year-old brother. She’s cool though, despite the uncool short person assumption. Normally it’s like “Hey look at that short person, they are so uncool”. Basically what I’m trying to say is most short people suck.

I spent the early morning hours trying to sleep in a recliner built for the likes of… I don’t really remember it but everyone said when they woke me up and told me I could sleep on the futon I rolled over, mumbled, got up, fell over on the futon, mumbled and was snoring in under 10 minutes. Either way I went to sleep in the chair and woke up in the futon thoroughly confused.
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