I just got back from Show Low, Arizona.
My dad and I left Monday morning to go pick her up and all of her belongings to come to live with us here since she's just too old and frail to be living on her own any longer. We'd been talking about having her move down to Texas to live with either us here in San Angelo or to my Aunt's in Austin. Somehow my folks and her decided that big city life would be too much for her to handle so they opted for our grand little town. Now starting tomorrow she'll be holed up in at the Christian Village Apts. which is basically an old peoples home really.
If you've ever heard of me talk about my Nana before then you'd know that this has been one of my worst nightmares only come true now.
I cannot stand her, she's crazy, and she is the devil. Oh don't get me wrong, she can seem to be very nice at first but after awhile you too could notice the sheer arrogance and ignorance that she carries around--and unknowingly it seems to herself of course. That or she just doesn't care about who she offends. She does it all the time, twenty times a day without even realizing what she's doing and it can get pretty embarrassing. On the drive back home for example she basically told me her whole life story. That sounds pretty interesting at first right? That is until its twelve hours later and she's still in your ear talking about it and hasn't even stopped to take a breath the ENTIRE trip. Her half-wild cat, Cali, in the back didn't make things any better either. And wait until you hear one of her "...oh and have you heard of 'insert random name', he was the brother of 'insert obscure famous person from 30 years ago name' and I had dinner with him once..." blah blah blah stories. Strangely, my grandma seems to have met, known, be-friended or slept with over 100 celebrity/famous writers, surgeons, politicians, and or sports figures sometime during her 75 years of being on this earth, how amazing grandma!!! Oh yeah, insert sarcasm. There's no such thing as modesty with that woman.
Okay, the rant is over (or to be continued...) sorry for the long post. Just needed to vent. Now its time to move on to reading the last five days worth of LJ's! What did I miss San Angelo?