First knife edge // Video

Apr 17, 2011 07:53

[It's obviously taken Tybalt a few minutes to figure out how the PCD works, and when the video flicks on, he starts back with surprise which is quickly replaced by an expression of suspicious anger. He draws his dagger and points it at the camera]

The fool who handed this to me said it could be used to talk to people. So someone talk! What the hell is going on here, since this is certainly not Verona. If it's some sort of prank I am going to kill whoever is responsible.

[He kicks at a shard of wood on the ground and sheaths his dagger with obvious reluctance.]

Listen, I'm not messing around. Whoever's responsible, it ends now!

(OOC: Poor Tybalt's gotten dropped into Adstring right at the beginning of what-if week. He's unaffected, but that just means he's going get to be angry and all y'all again next week when personalities shift back!)

playing with his knifu, event: unaffected, anger anger anger, effing montegues

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