Feb 10, 2011 23:56
I am proud to announce that I have finally reached tieberty!
Yes, ladies and gents, I am officially a member of the proud group of people who can tie a necktie without any fatal accidents.
I have never been able to do it before but for some reason today I just looked at a diagram of a Four in Hand Knot and was suddenly the Lawnmower Man of neckties.
In my excitement I immediately made my way out to my local thrift store and (for under $50.00) acquired four dress shirts, two v-neck sweaters, one sweater vest, two shiny neckties, and one not-so-shiny blue and gray plaid one (because I'm a terrible, terrible, hipster sometimes). I already had some pretty nice suit coats.
I am now the dapperest motherfucker ever to be dapper!
Later in the day a friend called me out on my tie-tying skills and challenged me to the dreaded Double Windsor.
Within four minutes time I had looked up the diagram, studied it, and >BOOM< successfully tied the Double Windsor!
...which I am wearing with my pajamas at the moment because I'm just THAT dapper.
I feel like a superhero.