Nov 12, 2003 21:04
It's such a piece of crap, the dish washer exploded my washing machine leaks, the ceiling fan broke, my closet doors are way effed up.
Work's gay. I don't like it much. People that work there aren't that friendly except for like 2 people but whatever. It was funny yesterday tho we gave this guy free food and he gave a lap dance to this fatty chick at my work haha. SO funny. And Stephanie and Cassandra came and visited me.
I'm coming for as many days after christmas as i can get off.
Pirates is in the cheap theaters i'm so jazzed. Hottness for only $3.
School is so boring and a serious waste of time, i'm over it.
Britney Spears is officially my new Idol. I'm going to get her new cd.
Yeah it sucked today. Walking to school, and to and from work it was raining, hard. And I had no umbrella=super wetness. Yeah and on my way home this ass decided it would be funny for him to drive RIGHT next to the sidewalk to the nasty gutter water would COMPLETELY soke me. Bastard.
After reading peoples palms today, I realized my life line is incredibly short and all day i was worried i was going to die, and everyone's like haha no you're not. SO then I was walking home from work and crossing the fatty street and this guy was turning when he wasn't supposed to and he like lost control of his steering and seriously came within 1 inch of hitting my from behind.