So, I suppose it's been a while since I last updated. I've been a pretty busy girl lately. This quarter has been more of a challenge than last but thankfully it is almost over. I can't believe how quickly it has gone though. I have been away at school for 6 whole months! That is half a year! I feel like so much has changed, for the better of course, but still feel kind of weird about going back home. I'll be back in CC on Friday (3/20)aka Lindsey's Birthday, if you still read this hahah!
It's kind of weird to think that I have one more quarter until I am a sophomore in college. I still feel like I just applied to college and got my acceptance/rejection letters in, even though that was a year ago. Time really goes way too quickly, I need to take advantage of the time I have left in college because I have a feeling it is going to fly by. I don't know how I feel about that, to be honest. College is something you look forward to all throughout high school and then when it actually comes, it is much less exciting than it seems. I mean, of course it has been a blast, but it has begun to lose its excitement. I'm having to start thinking about my future, what I want to major in because in order to graduate on time, I need to start taking classes ASAP. It's just strange, I still feel like I'm a child...but I'm really not. I'm slowly begin to realize this. Now that I'm 18, I feel like I've assumed a ton more responsibilities.
Enough of that, I'm sleep-deprived, sick with a cold, and having to study for FINALS. But sometimes it's nice to revisit the past (aka livejournal). maybe i'll be back in another few months hahah.
On a more exciting note, I'm going to see Band of Horses & Fleet Foxes two nights in a row! Yay Santa Cruz for having good music!
I will leave you with this: Watch and bask in its beauty.