am so dead.

Apr 21, 2010 14:26

and so I am abit(read MAJORLY) worried about failing 3 of my classes. 3 out of 5 is horrible and I can only afford to fail 1. even then I cant really afford that too. so I'm fucked.

I hate america's system!
there are so many goddamn tests during the school year and then there's a freaking final paper of 8-10pages long and there's still an additional final exam. I mean wtf seriously. on top of that, attendance counts so in essence i'm screwed. worried worried worried. and I so dont want my parents opening my transcript before I do which will be the case since I wont be back home till mid june. AHHHHHHH why do i do this to myself whywhywhywhywhywhy!?

I need to start on my papers now now now 3 papers due on monday. ARGH
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