May 06, 2005 22:42
You're currently reading the LIvejournal of a 2005 KSU Outstanding Speaker. *takes a bow* As a result of this much-coveted award, I get an automatic A on my speech final! RAWK! I also got a sweet plaque! I'm SO amazed that I won. I revised my speech 1 hour before the contest. Jerry said that I couldn't do my vibrator speech, so I had to revamp my argument speech over the how the Patriot Act is unconstitutional, and should be repealed. I didn't have it memorized at all, and then I got there and realized that I couldn't read my handwriting on my notecard. I tried as best I could, but for the most part, I read off of my outline. That's a big speech no-no, and I STILL BEAT EVERYONE ELSE IN MY ROOM! After single-handedly taking down everyone in the room, I had to go to finals. I'm a bit stressed about this, 'cuz I figured I wouldn't get in to finals, so I didn't do my makeup. I'm in a nice suit, but otherwise I look like hell. I then find out that the speeches are being taped, could possibly be televised on the KSU Channel, I have to get my picture taken and it may be posted online.... and I look like shit..... Ugh. So on to finals I go. Now, finals aren't scored, they're just an exhibition of the best speeches in each of the rooms. Before I get to finals, I drop my notecard somewhere. It's lost. I can't use it at all. I read off of my outline, and still do a good job. Also, out of 8 speeches, 1 other person besides myself did the Patriot Act as his topic. I got put RIGHT BEHIND HIM. Grrr... Another good thing, one of the judges told me I have a real "knack" for public speaking, and should join the K-state forensics team. There could be money in it. Sweeeeeet. All in all, a good night.
Since I now only have a Philosophy final and a Voice 1 jury, I am letting myself relax. Tomorrow I'm going to Kansas City with the fam, and we're going on the home tour. Multi-million dollar Johnson County homes. I can hardly wait! Sad thing is, I'm serious. I loooove interior decorating, I can't wait to see how these homes are done up.
Well, I'm tired. I think I might be getting a bit sick from the ridiculous amount of late nights I've pulled lately. I'm going to take off my power suit, lie down, curl up under a blanket, and watch TV. Sweeeeet.