Drag Me Down Ch. 10 (S/B)

Nov 05, 2006 16:24

Title: Drag Me Down
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: They aren't mine; Joss is God.

Buffy is still reeling from seeing Spike and Anya together, but the Trio doesn't give her the chance to catch her breath. When the Trios' plan backfires, Buffy and Spike are catapulted back in time, and must face their own demons, and find a way to get back. Set Post Entropy and Mid-Seeing Red, Season 6.

Once again errors are all mine; this is the un-bet'd copy.

Miss a chapter? Story starts here.

“Waiting for Buffy.”

Wrong answer.

Spike was dragged to his feet and tossed onto the walk. He rolled onto his back and wiped the blood from his face. Angel was standing above him; the situation wasn’t looking very good.

“From what I heard Spike, Buffy told you not to come back.”

Spike hadn’t yet grasped he was talking to Angel from the past. The three bottles of whiskey had turned his brain to mush; at this point there was no distinguishing between people in his time and people in the present.

“You bloody poof Buffy knows I’m here; we’re both sodding stuck here, at least if the stupid bint hasn’t left without me.”

Angel looked at Spike like he was completely insane. “I realize you’re drunk Spike, but Buffy would never go anywhere willingly with you. So WHERE IS SHE?”

Spike sat up waving his hands in the air. “Probably back at the bleedin’ crypt thinking of a million ways to kick my ass.” He staggered to his feet and began mumbling to himself. “Shouldn’t have sodding shagged her and left; shoulda just left her.”

Spike didn’t even realize that Angel had heard every word, and to someone not on the “in” on the current situation, it didn’t sound good.

Angel snarled, and Spike’s body hit the pavement again with a “thud”. This time he let himself willingly slip into blackness.


Buffy watched the other Spike light a cigarette and she felt a pang of longing looking at him.

*Bad Buffy, not your Spike*

Spike was still watching her cautiously.

“So are we going to the Magic Box or what?” Buffy wanted to get this over with. Obviously she was going to have to save Willow and Xander.


She didn’t know if she should tell Giles or not. She could prevent the whole uncomfortable situation with Willow, Cordy, Oz and Xander if she played her cards right. What could it hurt?

“Fine by me; sooner I get out of sodding Sunnyhell the better.”

Buffy smiled slyly.

*You’ll be back*


“Bloody hell!”

Spike opened his eyes and looked down at himself. He was tied to a chair, in the library, surrounded by the Scoobies. Everyone was present except Buffy, Xander and Willow.

“Where are they Spike?” Angel growled at him.

“Where’s who you wanker?” He was starting to sober up and it felt like his head was splitting in two.

“Willow and Xander!”

Spike gave Giles a pained look, but Giles didn’t catch what he was trying to say. For all he knew the future Spike was still MIA.

“How the hell should I bloody know?”

Giles sighed and began cleaning his glasses. “He’s not going to volunteer anything useful; we should start searching.”

Angel punched Spike one last time and disappeared out of the room.

Giles rolled his eyes. “Although coming up with a plan first would have been practical.”

Oz and Cordy glared at Spike, but remained where they were.

“Man just give it up you can’t hurt them from here.” Oz was quiet but his tone implied he was anything but calm.

“I told you, I don’t know what the sodding hell you’re…” Spike broke off as he realized what was going on. “…bugger.” He looked frantically at Giles. “You gotta let me go Rupert.”

“Like hell!” Cordy glared at him.

“Why in the world would I do that Spike?”

“Because if I’m locked up in here…” Spike growled, “…then that means Buffy is going to run into someone else out there.”

Giles’ eyes widened as he grasped what Spike was trying to tell him.

“So you’re telling me the ‘other’ one is out there right now?”

Spike rolled his eyes. “Finally catching on huh Rupes? And yes, that’s about how this happened the first time.”

“Oh dead Lord.”

“Umm excuse me? Why are you talking to him like anything he says can be trusted? Hello, evil vampire?” Cordy stamped her foot and looked at Oz for backup; he was silent watching what was unfolding between Giles and Spike.

“She’s going to think it’s me.”

Giles stumbled to his feet. “We need to find her!”

Spike snorted. “Not going to happen; I’m…he isn’t here for her, and if it’s played out like it was before I…he will be gone by the end of the night.”

Giles began untying Spike from the chair. “That’s not what I’m concerned about. From the state she’s been in this past week she may do something stupid and change the future.”

“State? What state?” Spike stretched his arms and grinned at Cordy who hid behind Oz.

“Now isn’t the time Spike, but the situation is going to get a lot worse when Angel goes to break it up, especially if Buffy thinks the ‘other’ is you.”

Spike started laughing. “That’s what you’re worried about? How Buffy is going to treat Angel? I wouldn’t worry mate, nothing has changed on that front; ‘sides he was involved the first time around.”

Giles frowned, and than glanced at Oz and Cordy about to speak when the phone in his office started ringing.

Spike raised and eyebrow and watched as Giles went to answer it.


“Giles, its Buffy…the other Buffy.”

“Oh thank God you are alright. Listen…”

“Giles be quiet and listen; Spike is here, the other Spike. He’s got Willow and Xander in the old factory, but you can’t let Cordy and Oz go look for them.”


“Just trust me; tell them I’ve got them and everything is cool. Make up something, some demon or something to research; I’ll bring Willow over when I’m done here. Xander is probably going to need to go to the hospital. I’ll see you soon.”

Giles stared at the phone listening to the dial tone.

“What’s going on mate?”

Spike was peering at him through the doorway.

Giles coughed, and went back into the main room. He looked at Cordy and Oz. “She’s got it under control, found Willow and Xander and will be bringing them here shortly.”


Buffy hung up the phone and exited the Magic Shop to join Spike outside. “Hey Spike I got an idea; why don’t you just go back to Drusilla, tie her up, and torture her till she wants you again?”

Spike looked at her queerly. “What do you know about it Slayer? Seems to me you shouldn’t be given relationship advice seeing how you sent your last boyfriend to hell.”

“Well actually…” she didn’t get the chance to the finish; Angel came storming around the corner.

“Bloody hell…”

Angel stopped abruptly. “Spike? How the hell did you get here; what did you do to Giles?”

Spike rolled his eyes. “Has everyone gone completely nutty? What ‘n the bleedin’ hell are you talking about Peaches? Guess your trip to hell left you a little short on marbles eh?”

Buffy stared at Angel. “What are you talking about Angel? He’s been with me for at least an hour.”

“Not possible, he was just tied up in the library 10 minutes ago.”

Buffy groaned; her Spike was tied up in the library. What a mess this was turning into.

Angel looked at Buffy suspiciously. “What are you doing with him?”

“He’s was ingredients to have Willow make a love spell for Dru; the quicker this gets done the quicker he’ll leave.”

Angel laughed. “Aww Spike guess Dru finally came to her senses huh?”

“What do you know? It's your fault, the both of you! She belongs with me.” Spike glared at Buffy and Angel. “I'm nothing without her.”

“Oh grow up Spike.” Buffy sighed. She did not want to replay this entire scenario again; it was bad enough the first time. This Spike was a constant reminder of what Dru had meant to her Spike, and she didn’t like it.

“Yeah, your one to talk.”

*Oh god...it doesn’t matter what I say, the conversation is still going to go the same way*

“Meaning what?” Buffy tried to put some feeling into it, but she just sounded bored.

“The last time I looked in on you two, you were fighting to the death. Now you're back making googly-eyes at each other like nothing happened. Makes me want to heave.”

“Whatever Spike.”

“Oh, yeah. You're just friends.”

Buffy looked at Angel.

*Were they even that anymore?*

“You're not friends. You'll never be friends. You'll be in love till it kills you both. You'll fight, and you'll shag, and you'll hate each other till it makes you quiver, but you'll never be friends. Love isn't brains, children, it's blood...blood screaming inside you to work its will. I may be love's bitch, but at least I’m man enough to admit it.”

Buffy remained silent. This was all too much; she couldn’t do this, not again. She turned away from Angel and Spike and stared down the street. He was there. Standing at the corner about a block down the street was her Spike; leaning against a wall watching the entire scene play out.

She took a step forward but before she could blink he was gone.

“You know what Slayer? You were right. I’m going to go back to Brazil and make Dru love me.” He growled and tossed the bag of supplies on the ground. “Thanks for the fun ducks.” With that he was off down the street with Angel and Buffy staring after him.

Angel and Buffy stood silent; Angel was watching her and Buffy was looking for her Spike. He was still here, she could sense him. He was listening, and watching.

*I’ll show him I don’t need him*

She took a step toward Angel and grabbed him by the collar and dragged his mouth to hers.
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