So, I'm thinking that since my last exam is on May 15, Heather and I might be moving back like, that next weekend. Damn, I can't wait.
Tomorrow is Heather and my 8 month anniversary. :) That's impressive. Well, impressive for me. No one has made it past 4 months. :D
Despite the 8 month mark, it also marks one year that Peaches died. I remember when Lacy called me. I miis him a lot. He asked me out once, and I blew him off. I felt really bad about it and still do. I just still can't believe that he's gone, you know? Like, maybe he's somewhere and no one has talked to him in a while. I know that's not true, but I don't know. I think about him sometimes and it takes me a while to realize that he's gone. When I planed on visiting SHS, I thought of the old group upstairs and wanting to see everyone. I realized that I couldn't. ::sigh:: Here's to you, Peaches.
I love you always will.