Fic: Nap Time

Mar 05, 2011 17:01

“What do you want, Amelia?” Lester asked.

Amelia cocked her head and trilled softly before nudging her way past Lester’s leg and under his desk.  There she proceeded to squat on her haunches and continued to stare at Lester.  Every so often she would lick her chops and sniff at his shoes, occasionally nudging his leg.

“Get out from there,” Lester said, trying to shoo her away.

Amelia growled.


When he heard no response he grabbed his phone and dialed her mobile, only to get voicemail.  Lester growled to himself in frustration as Amelia nudged his foot again.  “Get lost!” he shouted as he pushed back against her.  Amelia’s reaction to the shove was to snap back and caught some of his pant leg in her teeth.

Seeing the fabric in her teeth, Lester got up and left the office in search of anyone who could help get Amelia out of his office.  The moment he left, Amelia crept forward and looked around a moment before hopping up on the now vacated leather chair.  She felt the warmth under her feet and growled in contentment before laying down and curling up on the chair.  Slowly her eyes drifted closed and within minutes she was asleep.

“I’m telling you, she attacked me,” Lester insisted as he guided Abby into his office.  “She’s sitting under the desk.”

Abby went around the desk and looked down only to find Amelia fast asleep on Lester’s chair.  “Lester, I don’t think Amelia was attacking you.  Instead she just wanted to take a nap and wanted a warn pillow.”  She turned to Lester, “Amelia is fast asleep as we speak, so it’s best we not disturb her.”

“Impossible,” Lester said in disbelief.  He came around the desk to see what Abby was talking about only to find Amelia curled up on his chair.

fanfic: primeval

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