I'm such a loser! I forgot it was Gary's birthday! Wtf, how could I forget?! I was supposed to see him three years ago :( but he had something really wrong with his throat, so they had to cancel. But he's come back! and I have forgiven him :) BUT! in a frantic last-minute celebration attempt, I'm gonna do my very own very first picspam! which means be patient and careful when loading because the overwhelming amount of Gary size is too much to handle all at once, don't ya know ;P but I won't hold you any longer!
that is totally a Gary squee face :D
saw that show <3
Gary arms, not faaaair DDD:
pretendmadscientist!Gary is giggles :D
I don't get shaken very easily, but smiles like that melt my heart and make me woozy for hours afterwards
I love these two so much. They're just these snapshots of how utterly normal he is, that this utter god is really only human, and it's just... I don't know, I don't have a word for it, you know?
he looks so widdle :D
I don't know if those are actually his socks, they might be Nathan's or Paul's, but pictures of socks are just cute :P
I don't know why, but pictures like these of him are my favorites. He just looks so... lonely. Like, live performances of "Set the Fire to the Third Bar", he doesn't have his guitar with him, and he just looks like he's stricked with such anguish, and I have to sit on my own hands cos they just clench up cos I can't actually hold them myself to make them stop. But I know he's gotten much more comfortable in his own skin after A Hundred Million Suns, which is very reassuring to my nosy self
<3 so true, so true
(the lovely work of
xlovetodayx aaaand!
GOOD LORD I love this man FAAAAARRR too much. But I will remain this mental, for I like having a flame to follow.