Take my shot under the light

May 11, 2009 21:25

Okay, so I had a big nasty paper due for my English class today, right? and of course I can't make progress until the eleventh hour and so was up until around midnight, an' yeah. I started a brief IM conversation with the other girl in my English class group, and the discussion went as follows:

me: oh, random
me. did *he* email you earlier about needing a folder?
her: let me look
me: just checking if he got ahold of someone else earlier and if I need to bring one at all
her: ok
me: did he send you one?
her: no, he didn't
me: oh, ok
her: lol
me: never mind then :]
her: maybe he likes you..lol
her: :P
me: :"> *blush*
me: hehe
me: mayhap
her: do you like him? hehe
her: you guys kind of look like you do
me: I certainly don't object
her: just from my perspective anyway

SO, that means it's obvious enough for someone else to notice.... but then yeah, he emailed me earlier yesterday if I had a spare folder, which I had... and it ended up that class got cancelled today, and I had to hang around anyways to give him the folder, and gahhh I followed him around for about ten minutes afterwards (felt like so much longer), talking but actually not saying a thing (which are the best sorts of conversations sometimes, you know?). Found out that he works at a hotel at the front desk (I didn't press where, cos that sounded creepy to me... and Nicole finds this far too intriguing a fact for it to be void of suggestive suggestions *glares*) But the CRUCIAL bit is that he's getting his wisdom teeth out tomorrow cos they've been digging into his other teeth viciously and he can't eat or sleep :( and chances are he's not gonna be around for the whole rest of the week, and because of this I will go utterly batshit-crazy. Talking with him is what makes my days (yes Nicole, I DID say that, get over it. I see you guys all the time so I don't have to worry about you possibly showing up to class or not and freaking myself out when you don't show up at your normal time), and what's really cool is that I think we started bothering each other cos of our interests, and we've hardly skimmed the surface of each other yet talk about random other stuff (like why guitars are called "she's" lol) and it's brilliant. Awkward silences are few and far between, and... just little things he does give bits away that he's interested, which is just... I dunno, sort of comforting or something, for lack of a better word. I like having this chance available to me. But oh! sidetracking... so he said he should head back out for his consult for tomorrow, and as he said goodbye I SO VERY NEARLY KISSED HIM ON THE CHEEK but I COMPLETELY FUCKING WUSSED OUT AND DIDN'T DO IT!!! ARGH!!!! but it's probably for the best I didn't. I'll be keeping him up to date on what he misses, and hopefully he'll be really happy to see me again. I might be able to get away with forcing a teensy hug on him when I see him next :) that would be nice. Very very nice.

and my picked-up knowledge for the day, learned with windswept hair:
#59 Brain waves can be used to power an electric train


these thoughts i must not think of, twaddle, blokes too cool for their own good

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