i realized today that nothing can hold me down. maybe it was being way successful in the mock stock market in govt. i dunno. but it was an amazing day of self-confidence. despite the june gloom, i threw off my own. i will be successful, smart, rich, and fabalous. this journal was all about my amazing gayness. i was the captain of the queers or whatever that shit was. it was a joke. more bullshit then truth. i am content, satisfied with my life and the way its going. i am an amazing person that will lead an amazing life. i will be in the headlines in the future. i will be famous. its increadibly narcissistic of me to think this way. but i am. im tired of the bullshit in my life.
ive created a new journal to reflect me. and my narcissism. at 18, i know its too late for me to become unnarcissistic. or stop my arrogance. but i dont care.
narcissis_elite is my new journal, sans bullshit. its for me. its friends only. just asking doesnt mean i'll add you as a friend. only someone i can really consider my friend will be added. it reflects me now, as this journal reflected me in the past. i am an elite. and i am narcissistic. and i will no longer let anyone bring me down. i'll keep this journal, but ive been writing in it less and less. things are changing. i need to stop trying to recreate what is gone and enjoy my future, and my great potential ahead of me. its being increadibly self-centered and narcisstic but i dont care. nothing can hold me down.