Man, I feel like I just moved to Greenville last week, but it's been a year since I left Gastonia, and just shy of a year when I finally moved here.
Rehearsals started last week for the Christmas show, and our current show at GLT opens on Halloween Night!! And the show at Centre Stage that I gathered props for closes this weekend too! I've been very busy living my dream. I'm also working on my essay for Grad school, and waiting for my boss to return his recommendation letter for me. I plan to apply to Winthrop to get my Masters in Arts Administration.
The Dragon Boat Race was a big success, also it was a load of fun!! Sorry that more of you couldn't come down to participate. Our team raised $1340 in two weeks, and without practicing our times were just as good as the rest. We would have won a medal except for the very weird placement rules they had, because we either tied or had better times than several teams who did win medals.
I've been seeing more of my family since moving here too, which has been amazing. I went over to my Aunt Mary's house the other weekend to see her and my Great Aunt Mary, whom I haven't seen in many years. Both are doing great, and I got to have some really awesome bonding moments with my aunts. I've decided I'm going to start a personal project of documenting my family history. I knew I had family members who had done some neat stuff throughout their lives but I never expected to learn some of the things I've been learning this year about my family.
I finally got my headshots done too. A wonderful friend of mine does really good headshots, and he offered to do mine for me. We met at 11am and 6 hours later there were almost 300 shots, in three different outfits. I chose my top 30 favorites and posted them to my FaceBook page, and added two here that I thought would be good for LiveJournal. This link should take you to the pictures if you are interested.