Apr 20, 2006 14:53
I really can't complain about anything right now, which is a very good thing. I'm very excited about my new cable and internet connections in my house. Gone are the days where I have to go to my sister's house and beg to use the computer. I finally got all my artwork up on the walls, and curtains hung in the living room. Now all that's really left to do is still get the water problem fixed. It's been a lot harder to get that done than anything else.
As of the end of March I got all my credit cards paid off in full. One of them even gave me a credit line increase because I was paying so much each month to get rid of it. I guess they thought I would put more on it. Boy they couldn't be more wrong. The only debt I have left now is my school loans. I'm probably going to have to get a new car this year, but that shouldn't be a problem.
My job has really turned a corner and is looking very positive now. I finally was able to get some of the incredibly wrong things happening in my store fixed, a few people fired who needed to be. And as for me I got certified which means I no longer have to have another manager there with me to run a shift, so I can finally feel like I'm in charge. It also means an increase in yearly salary and qualified to earn bonuses. I've been placed in charge of the Drive Thru zone, which is somewhat of a promotion. It mostly means I'm next in line for promotion, but pay doesn't go up for being moved from one zone to the other. Instead of being in charge of POP, customer satisfaction, and crew morale; I'm now in charge of first step Hiring (meaning if I don't like 'em they don't get an interview with my boss), Scheduling, and Training. These three things are the worst areas in our store right now, and with me in charge of them, things should start to get better around the store. No longer will bad people be hired just because we are desperate. I'd rather work 24 hrs a day than to have some of these people in our store, and if I can stop at least one of them from getting hired, then I'm all for it.
I've been signed up for the third level of classes, and that should be in June or July. All I will have left after that is Hamburger Univ. in Chicago. After I go there I'll be ready to take over a store. I'll just have to put in my minium time of 1 yr as Asst. which will be in Aug. After I become a general manager, I'll only have to stay at that level for 1-2 yrs. Then I can move up to district, then coporate level, which is my goal. So if everything stays on course as planned I'll be looking at a very comfortable job within 4-5 years. I think I can handle that.
Nick is really liking his new job. He's working as a security guard on 3rd shift. Things are really going great with us as well. It's just a matter of time and little more money before we get married. I wanted to have enough money saved up for a honeymoon first. And for those of you who are wondering no we haven't gotten a ring yet, but we are looking for the right one.