(no subject)

Dec 09, 2006 22:05

So I spent last night writhing in pain and the at the hospital. Seems my ear infection hadn't had enough and came back worse than ever. So, after not being able to sleep or even lay still my mom picked me up and drove me to the hospital at 6:30am. I didn't get home until 8:30 am.

I'm doing better though. I'm on lots and lots of medication. Tylenol/Codine being one of them, so today I spent sleeping. ALL DAY.

In better news, I'm back enrolled in school!
I've got Chemistry 131, English 132, Algebra 115, and Software App. 140 (online).
It'll be a bit of a load to carry, but after this semester, I only need a few more classes until I get a degree. Then it's on to bigger and better things!!!

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