This super-duper blog post will contain my only wish for Yule: for my friends to contribute, in whatever amounts big or small, to my community doula training.
Here in Tupelo, the North Mississippi Birthing Project is doing wonderful things for mothers & mothers-to-be in the community! Pregnancy/childbirth classes, breastfeeding classes, a baby supply closet stocked with diapers, clothes, toys; time & money management classes--it is an excellent non-religious resource for mothers who can't find the help and support they need. You can read about our local chapter of the Birthing Project here on Wordpress:
Northeast MS Birthing Project or, for the social media inclined, on Facebook:
NEMSBP on Facebook.
In addition to the care, education, and support that the Birthing Project provides to mamas, the local coordinator Toni Hill is now offering training as a doula to interested applicants (of which I am one). What the fresh hell is a doula, exactly? A doula, as opposed to a midwife, acts as a non-medical support system for expecting mothers, fathers, siblings & family. Doulas provide physical assistance, information about alternative methods of birthing, and emotional support to women who might not have family to confide in, or who might feel uncomfortable speaking openly with their family.
Those who know me well can imagine that my background in massage therapy, energywork, and my empathy would be well-suited to the position of a doula for women in my own community. I care enough about women & babies that I believe every possible option should be made available to them to choose from. I believe that women who do write birth plans must have those plans honored unless a critical medical necessity arises--for example, an obstetrician's vacation cruise to the Bahamas is not a medical necessity for early induction. Just an example.
With this passion in my heart & humility in my spirit, I ask that my friends help me raise the $400 asked of me to fund my training that I can give of myself into my community. I would very much like to be the change that I wish to see in the world.
If you're not sure of what to gift me with for Yule/Christmas, a contribution to this ChipIn would make me happy as could be!