Haven't tried any gif-making for a while, but today tried a faster more automated approach using the usual old Photoshop CS3... et voilà!
This may not look like anything new to you, but I can assure you that for me it represents a major breakthrough in accurate gif-making. Files for the animated frames imported as a stack (potentially migraine-enducing wizardry of automated Photoshopping flashes before the eyes as this is in progess, which was quite a shock the first time it happened. I thought that the laptop was having a meltdown!) means no manual, individual dragging and potential misalignment of images. Mass application of effect (in this case altering chromatic curves to create a silhouette) means constancy of result throughout. And finally have mastered application of same text throughout the stack.
Woot! I'm well pleased with that. Will rest on laurels for a while before attempting any cleverer effects. Truthfully this is still gif-making at its most basic. :-)