review of the What We Think We Know List but really it's all just speculation

May 04, 2010 17:25

remember that list made by you guys? yeah, want to revise? here's what we think we know until now:

1. Laurent knows Damen is Damianos, Prince King of Akielos, and knew from the very first.

2. The attempted rape/assassination with Damen and the guards, was in fact the SECOND assassination attempt Laurent survived through in the origific so far. Uncle Basterd has tried to kill Laurent more than thrice.
I. Laurent DED by way of horse;
II. Laurent DED/omg!violated by way of Damen;
III. Laurent DED by way of Govart;
IV. Laurent DED by way of biased trial.

3. Uncle Basterd is a pedophile, and abused Laurent. Uncle Basterd rejected Laurent once he became too old to be attractive ETA: to a pedo, (ETA by lusiology) and becoming more independent and harder to manipulate, then Nicaise came into the scene and he's conflicted about all that.

4. Laurent is not so secretly...NINJA!

5. Damen/Margaret. Damen's the baby daddy.

6. Kastor is Margaret's PAWN. (According to Feverfewmole, maybe vice versa.)

7. Laurent's dad was killed by Uncle Basterd (and maybe (ETA by dm_wyatt) indirectly provoked Auguste too).

8. Damen rocks and --despite evil cliffie of doom-- will somehow SAVE THE DAY! (And Laurent will make a very poor Damsel in Distress and will want to kick ass too.)

9. Govart ships Auguste/Laurent and Laurent used to ship Govart/Damen then Whip/Damen and now Laurent/Damen. YAY! ;DDD

10. Sex.

11. (ETA by born of sorrow) Damen ships Damen/Laurent and Laurent ships Laurent/Damen

12. all the troop have had a bet on who tops and when it will happen.

13. Laurent ships Damen/Jord, Damen/Erasmus and Damen/Aimeric but will not admit it to himself AT ALL.

13. Damen ships Laurent/Torveld but really, really hates it when he does.

14. (ETA by fish) Margaret told Kastor that Damen was killed fighting the soldiers who came to arrest him.

15. By darcyjauste: Damen disliked palace physicians. During last weeks of his father's illness, the sickroom had thronged with them. They had chanted, muttered pronouncements, thrown divining bones into the air, and administered various remedies, but his father had only grown sicker. " mysterious fatal illness... :p

16. Aimeric is a lying, betraying bastard. (according to Lusiology he will do a 180 and be redeemed like the Draco he really is.) Dm_Wyatt suspects he also had something to do with Ded/Violated by way of Damen and guards, with the roofie in the water (maybe Nicaise).

17. According to Feverfewmole, Lady Margaret is not totally irredeemable and has reasons for why she betrayed Damen.

18. Jord KNOWS! and thinks Laurent doesn't.

19. Damen is sex on legs and his legs are pretty sex too.

20. Govart will come back like Jason on Friday the 13th.


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