Analyze this! Also, icons. (Not yet.)

Jan 28, 2011 21:03

I was actually looking for quotes for icons (if you have any that you want me to make, please let me know! They're not going to be fancy, but they'll be Existing at least.) and I found Interesting Things.

"The water was scented, milky, and decorated with slowly drowning rose petals. All the niceties. This could not be happening, Damen felt a surge in his chest; fury, outrage and somewhere buried beneath these a new emotion that twisted and roiled in his belly."

"His chiton was unpinned and drawn off swiftly."
What on earth is a chiton?! (..I guess I could just google this. Eh.) Also, how do Rabatian clothes differ from Akielos clothes? Well, obviously. But how much? How much analyzation can I pull out of the word 'chiton'?

And while we're on that subject, what is the Rabatian land actually called? All I could come up with when I thought of it was "Rabbitland", which can't be it.

Okay one more and then back to icons:
"Nothing," she said, "but choose between brothers."
MARGARET. So one of the main reasons Laurent probably knows who Damen is (besides 'Laurent=Laurent') is because he's all like "Women like that always choose the weaker man" in wherever that is, and it's all like MAN I CAN FEEL THE LOVE HERE, GUYS, JUST SNOG ALREADY and also "of course Laurent knows who you are Damen, shut up".

Also I still don't know how to make cuts, so it you want to edit this and make a cut somewhere, please do. Or something.


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