So Now the Big Question...

Jan 25, 2011 16:34

And no, it's not the 'Does Laurent know who Damen is' question. There's a slightly larger question hovering over my head as I try to figure out where this story could possibly go.

Why is Damen still alive?

No, seriously. Why is he alive when it would be so much easier to kill him and not risk him reappearing on the political landscape?

I haven't seen any discussion about why Damen is still alive, and if this topic has already been covered please direct me to it, but here goes.

Damen is still alive for some further purpose. My friend, whom I haven't been able to convince to read the story yet, thinks revenge is too weak a motive for someone who does things on the scale Laurent acts. And we know something big is coming; Laurent has hinted at it in various places in dialogue.

What if Laurent is working with Margaret, or someone in Akielos royalty? We're really close to the border in the last few chapters, and there's still a ton of story to go. Does Kastor even know his brother isn't quite dead? Laurent has made comments likening himself to Margaret, saying that he knows how women like her think. Does he know Margaret? Has he been orchestrating the entire play from the start, before we even knew him?

And with that in mind, what could Laurent's purpose with Damen be, then? Does he intend to put Damen on the throne to ingratiate himself with the people of Akielos? Does he intend to break Damen somehow, in a rather epic fashion?

Sorry, I've been thinking about this all day. I've finally talked myself into the camp of 'Laurent knows' and now I'm trying to figure out just how far his hand extends in Damen's original capture and subjugation, and what his purpose for Damen is...


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