(no subject)

Nov 04, 2008 11:26

My polling place is magical. It's just for like one condo community so unlike everywhere else that has waiting times of at least a half hour just to get to the table where they make sure you are registered, I was behind three people. Seriously.

Some old guy was on his way out and asked me who I thought was going to win and then he started raving about how electronic voting makes it so much faster for him because after the candidates when he gets to the should judges be retained and ballot issues he just quickly pushed yes on everything. I couldn't help myself I almost fell down laughing. He was very confused but I was taking this statement and combining it w/ when I was trying to explain to Hannah that you can't tell what people voted for and no one sits there w/ a ballot like oh S/A said voted for Jack, Joe and Dave and then said yes 1 no 2 yes 3 etc. If someone actually was reading this ballot given our current ballot issues it would be pretty amazing. I know I'd be like Who IS this guy?!?!?

It got me thinking though. If someone always voted all yes or no (which yes I realize is bad) which would be worse? In MO voting all no would be superior because it'd deny the 3278249732439287 requests for funds for god knows what every election. Do you think someone voting all yes or all no would be better?
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