this is me on drugs. part the middle

Aug 16, 2004 07:30

thats a revolutionary ryme
meant for this place that I am
where I stand now it is forbidden to do
what I would do and the punishment is theft
!-oh damn I like that "the punishment is theft"
smoke more smoke!
smokedy smoke smoke smoke smoke smoke
that is a silly rhyme for when you toke
or smoke
or choke in the smoke of a burning building
Maybe you wont be singing then
maybe you should be
maybe you would be an how about them

ooh bad ryme there at the end
maybe it sounds better in a differnt place than the one
just then in my head
sometimes they'er pretty forced I must admit, its more a
rythem than a ryme
"you got another word that your confusing for ryme? I
didnt thinkso ya tide t'tha hide mutha fuka" !
you know fuck is a four letter word, fouck isnt but
thats not how you spell fuck but tide to t'tha hide
mutha fuka is four four letter word, excepting you mom
who should never be used as a four letter word

My high soared like a kite and now seems gone, I only
smoked one ciggerette and then it was done
thats just resin high and a tolerence I guess, might be
the beer
sometimes I forget everything I think I know and
remember I know nothing and I ask myself questions I
think I would have an answer for If they were asked of
me by another
does beer kill a high or help it
since I have no more weed, and the resin is for the most
part gone
getting more would risk the integrity of the pipe I am
working with
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