Jan 12, 2006 19:45
dont know when my last up date was but im sure its been a while.
newyears was good. got really drunk and lost my camrea. later on the next day my camera was found and returned. made me really really happy.
went snowboarding in colorado from jan 3-10. lots of fun. 4 hour drive to houston from baton rouge, 22 hour bus ride from houston to colorado. bus ride kida rough getting there. aggervating drunks behind us the whole time up there. the ride back was better the drunks werent as roudy and it seemed quicker. snowboarding was excellent time, really fun. colorado is really pretty. got album of it on facebook. its a good chace we will do this next year.
got in a car accident today. i dont know what happend. i took my eye off the road for 2 seconds and i looked up and i was on top of a car and i couldnt stop on time.i rear ended a camery on jeff hwy infront of winn dixie headed toward causeway. the lady said they were stoped for a red light, but the red light was 50 yards ahead and there wasnt enough traffic to be backed up at wreck. plus as soon as we hit traffic started to move. but whateva. i still hit the car so im at fault. the camery only had some cratches on the back bumber. how ever i have a semi dented hood, my head light is broken but the light still works, blinker in tact and works, and my front bumber is cracked in a few places. i guess it could haved been worse. on the way home me and the laday took the same street to get to river road and she stoped way to late and soon on a stop sigh. like she stoped 10 feet infront of it, and braked hard. so i think she was the driver, i really dont know. they husband ran off cause his bike needed to be picked up at 6 and its too important than the wreck. he was ready to drive off but i made him stay cause i wasnt to sure what i needed to do and my mom was right around the corner and he almost didnt wait. his daugher ended up picking him up. i asked to see if she could get an estimate on her bumber and i would write out a check. she said she will prbably need a new bumber (believe me, its a few scratches no need for a new bumber) and she said she would need a renta car. a renta car? come on now the damage isnt that bad. i made out the worst plus my insurance is going to like double. once school starts i wont be able to work as much so im gonna be tight on cash for a while.
hopefully your day was better than mine.