Talk nerdy to me...

May 14, 2008 19:48

I love when the big boss calls over here to our lab, speaks geek to us on the phone and expects me to understand. *facepalm* They're still trying to work out the nextwork issues between the three labs and apparently my computer is a frosty little bitch...completely averse to sharing files. Which isn't really an all together bad thing since I've got J2 smut personal files/ documents on here. Try explaining that one to the higher ups... The best part is that he wants me to fix this on my own. Dude...I know enough about computers to know that I don't know enough about them to go mucking around in their innards without a lifeline.

My to-do list here at work still sucks. It's landfill season, so we're getting hammered with wastewater samples. I still have the edit/ re-write of the Chem Hygiene Plan to do. I'm so far behind on my OSHA standard reading it's laughable. And I've got presentation boards to get ready for the conference. I kid you of them is entitled Don't "P" on your lawn - Ways to reduce phosphorus pollution in Lake Champlain. Shoot me now? PlzThx?

All I want to do tonight is sit down...write some fic, possibly of the pr0n variety and watch CSI:NY cause damn if Carmine Giovinnazzo isn't a fucking hot science nerd on that show. But no, I have to go take some samples. Does work ever end??? Yeah...didn't think so.

P.S. Big congrats to my dear sweet sexy girlfriend on her Masters degree!! Love you baby!

sexy girlfriend, work, fic

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