Went shopping with the parents today. They got me up at 0600 on a Saturday which was so not cool considering the boy called at like three last night needing to talk. I wound up taking a nap this afternoon to make up for lost sleep. We found a really good deal on a 20" flat screen in Sears, so there's my Christmas present this year. I told Mom
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This fandom has completely turned my sense of reading propriety upside down and into the toilet.
RPS? Fine. Unfortunately, it's almost totally supplanted the Winchester AU.
And at least they aren't BROTHERS. OMG.
Which isn't too promising with the amount of mpreg in this fandom (haven't seen one yet where the full-term Winchester human sprog is anything but happy, sweet and bouncingly healthy despite a double dose of deleteriousness, genetically speaking. Ooookay.).
But I find to my surprise I actually like a lot of the mpreg in this fandom (it seems to be plotted and written by intelligent adults with at least a modicum of medical knowledge more often than not, unlike some others) -- once you're into the Winchester canon, it's not that far a stretch.
And, it's small potatoes compared to the shock of finding out I could read RPF without barfing if I skip over the NC-17 paragraphs (hey, I'm not THAT comfortablewith the stuff yet) and mostly stick to the amazing and totally excellent AU stories.
There's no justice if these two guys don't do an entire series of films after SPN finally ends. Their chemistry is phenomenal -- half of any Big Bang iteration could keep them acting for years.
And of course, this fandom has DEEEEEEEEEEEAN.
And of course, this fandom has SAAAAAAAAAAAAM.
And of course, this fandom has BOBBBBBBBBBBBY (hey, some of us are old enough to *appreciate* a fine vintage in a man).
But your tree is charming. I wish it were in my own living room. Charlie Brown's tree was always the truest and best of all holiday evergreens, enrobed with pure love.
Drive-By Commenter
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