Mar 24, 2002 21:56
I'm way beyond understanding how things work here in Middle Earth. The Kid and I leave Caradhras and are completing our rescue mission.
We arrive back at the mountain... only it ain't here. Now the kid's freaking, can't say as I blame her, things are beginning to look rather grim.
Then suddenly I see something out of the corner of my eye, way off to the left. I swear it looks like the Misty Mountains, but they wouldn't be off over there.
The kid takes heart though, and heads off that way. She flies hard but it almost looks like the mountains are moving away.
It takes almost all The Kid has to get there, but we make it.
It is the Misty Mountian Range and they moving. Don't ask me how. Don't ask me why. They're just floating around.
And I couldn't be happier about that. But somehow I feel that Gwaihir's little resort -- now a floating resort -- is going to get a lot busier.
Shagrat, the exhausted